

257 Uppsatser om Artist formations - Sida 1 av 18

Liss Eriksson, Arne Jones, Knut-Erik Lindberg och "1947 års män" : En kultursociologisk studie av vägval och karriärer

I have studied the Swedish artist formation ?1947 års män? with a sociological perspective based on the ideas of Pierre Bourdieu. I initially made a study of the group as a whole, and after that I chose to focus on the sculptors Liss Eriksson, Arne Jones and Knut-Erik Lindberg. I have examined why some of the artists in the formation became more successful than others. My results show that the ones who were versed in culture or came from an economically or intellectually stronger background also were considered to be the most pioneering artists.

Personal branding: artister som varumärken

The purpose of this thesis was to study the importance of an artist?s personal brand from a record company and artist management perspective. We also aimed to investigate how these companies work to create and maintain an artist?s personal brand. The study conducted was a case study based on interviews with staff members of a major record company, Universal Music AB, and an artist management, United Stage Management Group AB.

Kamratskapets påverkan på barns identitetsskapande i skolan

The purpose of this examination paper is to get an understanding as an upcoming teacher about how friends make an important impact on children?s identity development in school, their choice of friends circle and what kind of groups there can occur among them. With a deeper comprehension of these circumstances should an educationalist be more considerate and adapt his or hers education to prevent negative group formations and to be an outsider. To achieve my results I used a qualitative research method where I through observation handpicked eight students from upper level of compulsory school with different friend circles from two classes for further interviews. Beside this I observed students in their school environment for three days.

Koalitioner - ett kostsamt fenomen? : En studie koncentrerad till Sveriges kommuner

AbstractSince the 2006 election the country of Sweden is governed by four Liberal and Conservative parties. Parties that by cooperating maintain power in office and forms a so called coalition. A coalition that not only can be seen at the national but also at the local level. According to pervious research coalitions that holds control of the seats in the government at the national level tends to increase the total expenditures compared to other types of government formations. Can a similar connection be seen at the local level? This the fundamental issue of this essay.

Konsten att sälja sig själv : Balanserandet mellan identiteter och roller i fåmansföretag inom musikbranschen

Konsten att sälja sig själv/The art of selling yourself grasps the complex of problems that occur when artists chooses to start their own record companies. Not only must the artist fulfil the cultural aspects of being an artist but also the economical aspects of running a business. This means that the artist?s identities and roles become more complex. The purpose of this paper is to understand the construction of identities among artists who run their own record companies.

Att skriva låtar till andra artister : Låtskapande inom den kommersiella popen

I examensarbetet har syftet varit att jag skulle lära mig mer om att skriva låtar till andra artister, och samtidigt undersöka om mitt låtskapande ser annorlunda ut när jag gör det, jämfört med när jag skriver till mig själv som artist. Slutresultatet av den konstnärliga delen blev fyra låtar inom den kommersiella popgenren. När jag skrev musiken valde jag artist till två av låtarna innan jag började skapandet, och till de två andra valdes artist i ett senare skede. Jag diskuterade sedan om och hur valen kan ha påverkat låtarna. I arbetet framkom att musiken förhållandevis lätt blev en kopia av artistens tidigare låtar när artist valdes innan skapandet, jämfört med om valet av artist kom senare i processen.

Mästare med mullig modell eller försörjare med funktionshinder. Bilden av konstnären i bibliotekens konstlitteratur för barn.

This masters thesis is a gender study of the role of the artist in childrens literature of art. The study comprises forty-three childrens books presenting the life of a historic, contemporary or fictional artist. The books are published from the 1960s to the present day. They are written or translated into Swedish and available in Swedish libraries. The representation of the artist is examined separately in the text and in the illustrations.

Artistvarumärkens nya spelplan : Konkurrensklimatet i den moderna musikindustrin

Purpose and aimThe purpose of this thesis has been to create a deeper understanding about the impact that the digitalization of the music business in the early 2000s and also the latter change, that in this paper is referred to as the sociodigital change, has had on artist brands. We will also analyze the positive and negative effects that this development may have had on the already existing brand environment and lastly also review the true importance of the professional industry?s competence. We have chosen the following research question in relation to the purpose; In what way has the basic conditions for artist brands within the music industry changed since the digitalization of the music industry in the early 2000s? MethodFor this study we initially took an inductive approach as we formed hypotheses based on experiences and previous knowledge which we then corroborated with theories.

Artistens liveframträdande som upplevelse och marknadsföringskanal

Denna uppsats syftar främst till att förstå hur en artist skapar en god upplevelse och de tillvägagångssätt som finns för att skapa den. Vi vill även påvisa att ett liveframträdande inte enbart är en tjänsteproduktion utan hur det även kan användas för att marknadsföra artistens varumärke och vilka konsekvenser detta får för varumärket. .

Hur kan man som artist gå tillväga för att  etablera sig en fanbase?

Sammanfattning Med målet att utöka antalet lyssnare för vår grupp, har jag undersökt hur man somartist kan gå tillväga för att etablera sig en fanbase. Genom intervjuer,seminariebesök, efterforskning på internet och litteratur ämnar jag mig åt att finnasvar på frågan. I samband med detta arbete har jag även tillsammans med minsånggrupp och en producent skrivit en radiolåt, som bland annat bygger på tidigarestudier i kursen ?projekt i musik och ljudproduktion B 15 hp?.  .

Produktion och presentation av en artist

Vårt examensarbete går ut på att utforska processen kring att producera en artist och sedan presentera denne för skivbolag. Till grund för detta arbete ligger vår förra studie, ?Hur ser musikproducentens roll ut inom svensk populärmusik? och resultatet av den studien har vi i detta arbete omsatt i praktiken. Vi har nu arbetat med ett case, vilket bestod i att producera en sångerska och sammanföra hennes låtar till en homogen produktion för att slutligen presentera denna för två svenska majorskivbolag. Vid presentationen förde vi en diskussion med respektive A & R angående både vår presentation och artistpresentationer i allmänhet.


This project was intended to develop and improve my skills as an artist/designer. I have used inspirational sources and followedmy artist?s intuition to create something that is individual and a reflection of myself.My goal was to design 7-10 compositions and apply them to t-shirts and then create a photo arrangement with these t-shirts to make a strong artistic presentation.I chose to apply my images to t-shirts, because I feel that the tshirt is a perfect median to display pieces of art. My process has been very non-linear in nature. Trial and error,experimentation and my gut feeling have strongly influenced the progression of my design process and guided me to new ideas.I feel that with this project I have succeeded in fulfilling my goals to develop and improve my skills as an artist/designer..

Äkta dans : en studie av förändringar i konst och konstnärskap beroende på kulturbyte, fallet Abdul Rahim Ghafori

This study examines the nature and possible causes of the changes in the art and artistry of Abdul Rahim Ghafori, an Afghan artist who has migrated to Sweden. The premise of this paper is that over time a person who migrates to another culture will undergo change. In an artist this change should manifest itself in his art and artistry. The study examines this process of change and how it is manifested in the artistry and art of Abdul Rahim Ghafori. The study intends to increase knowledge and understanding of the changes a person undergoes when experiencing a culture change..

Museibesökare i konstnärens närvaro : Performativitet och det ritualiserande i Marina Abramovi? verk The Artist is Present.

In this essay I analyze the performative aspects relating to Marina Abramovi?'s The Artist Is Present, which took place in spring 2010 at MoMA in New York, from the context of the artist and work, institution and documentation. In this performance work, for the duration of the exhibition, Abramovi? sits completely still opposite another chair where anyone from the audience may sit. The art arises through this participation.

Att bli framgångsrik musikartist : De karaktäristiska dragen i marknadsföringen av artister

The research this report is based on aims to find out the characteristic features of the marketing tools that are essential for a music artist, and define a successful artist. The thesis arises and discusses how different medias can have an affect on an artists career and on his/hers achievement. To bee seen in the right medias can have an important influence on their career. To be able to answer our aim we have interviewed people who have a solid knowledge about music business, we have also used a qualitative method. The outcome of the research is that there are some indications that show important factors which are essential when it comes to marketing artists.

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